New Pre-painted on the Block!

Or rather on the blog! But who doesn’t love 90’s music, ahemm! ;)

I’m putting some things up for sale at at my pre-painted section. Some of the items are things I painted a while ago (this section has been upcoming for quite some time), and some of them was painted very recently. Here is an example of the newest ones :)

First off is Corim the Kestrel – Gnome Sorcerer from Reaper miniatures. I painted him very simular to Derek Schubert’s version as I thought the colours were really nice and it’s something I haven’t combined in a while! I used some pearlescent paint for the “magic” and I used a little bit of the blue from the magic parts in his hair to simulate the light it shines on him :)
Main colours used are: Ocean triad from reaper (Deep Ocean, Marine Teal, Surf Aqua) on his magic twirls, eyes, sword and belt. And Violet Red with Brilliant Red highlights for the Robe and shoe decals. I used tiny dots and small strokes of Emerald Alchemy on the Sword and on the glowy magic twirl thing :-P

Next off is Juliette, Female Wizard. I’ve had this miniature for years and only finished it a week ago for the pre-painted section. I decided to go for the colours I liked instead of what would look “best” as colour choice is a struggle for most painters.
Main colour for the dress is my favourite paint: Burgundy Wine mixed and highlighted with Pale Violet Red. I did some freehand on the dress, though it’s a little hard to see on the photos. A very cute and fun miniature :)

Here we have Spirit of Spring also from Reaper Miniatures. Some of the flowers on the base are from my garden, painted to match her dress. The dress is painted with Griffon Tan and highlighted with Sun Yellow and Lemon Yellow and hair is the Warm Deep Browns triad: Muddy Brown, Earth Brown and Leather Brown.

Last but not least! Vaeloth, Hellborn Paladin (Tiefling) from Reaper aswell. Tried out some Non-metallic parts on this one with a few shiny bits, since it’s for pre-painted, and it has to look good in the hand aswell :) Also, if you want to paint Non-metallics, but lack the paints, Reaper’s Sepia Wash completely removed the shiny stuff from metallic paints. I used that for all the shadows on the shield and I think it came out pretty neat! Besides, metal “don’t shine” where the sun don’t shine ;)
The tiefling Skin is Red-Brown Triad from reaper: Mahogany Brown, Chestnut Brown and Rust Brown.

All of them are up in the pre-painted section.