Commission Work – May

Last month I did a commission for a Danish customer! I was lucky enough to work on a rare miniature from the now former company Illyad Games, who shut down a few years ago. I had fun painting these minis especially the Swamp creature from Brother Vinni’s (yes, they make other minis than torture victims! And they have the entire business’ slowest shipping and communication) which is painted to resemble a Water Hag from Witcher 3. I used a variety of Skin colours mixed with blues and purples.

The werewolf was painted using Scale75 paints mixed with homemade glazes and washes. A very large and scary miniature! He is mounted on a 50mm base from Scibor Miniatures.

Here are some of the minis I painted:


Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon – or simply Ciri from Witcher 3

Painted up this beauty a little while ago. She is a gem and a precise copy of her artwork for Witcher 3 – Wild Hunt. She is from Scale75, but no longer available for purchase. A shame, but I assume it has something to do with rights, although she wasn’t named Ciri, but Witch Hunter in the same font! When you see the artwork, it’s easier to see :D

Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon

I tried really hard with the eyes, but capturing her eyes proved a difficult task! That girl is wearing an abundant of make up! She looks great though. The most time consuming part were definitely her white shirt, which consists of many layers of white and creme colours for shadow. Think it ended up pretty realistic!

Her base isn’t glued on to the plinth, so it’s a little crooked :) The snow effects were a test from AK Interactive, which is really easy to use and looks very good. Will be putting it up in my shop soon!

I really had a great time painting her. She is of 75mm scale, so rather large, even though Ciri is a little petite! I also managed to get a hold of the 75mm Geralt miniature (also out of production). They have the same size base, so I bought a few plinths for them :)

They were also produced in 35mm scale, and we even sold them at, but they were our of production before I secured a copy of my own. So if you got some of those, consider yourself lucky!

Here’s the artwork of Ciri. I used my collector’s book as a reference when I painted her, but I am also a nerd!

Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon

Geralt and his Triss!

I painted the Triss Merigold bust a while ago and Geralt has just been waiting to show himself on the blog!

Geralt & Triss Busts

I had to do some putty work on his lips as they were kinda “wrinkly” sculpted and it somehow looked as if he was sticking his tongue out xD both busts are 15 cm tall.

I still have not one but TWO Cirilla miniatures waiting to be painted. One is 75mm scale and the other is huge (20 cm or so) I recently bought a plinth for the big one, but haven’t had any time to paint or mount her (that did come out wrong, I realize now!)

Wonder if a Yennifer model will be released from Klukva Miniatures :-)

Witcher Miniature from Andrea

Witcher - Geralt ArtworkI had bought the White Wolf / Witcher / Geralt miniature from Andrea Miniatures long ago – But it wasn’t until recently that I finally finished the miniature that had been collecting dust for at least three years. The model is quite obviously based on the Geralt look from Witcher 1, which you can see on the artwork picture from Witcher 1.

Even though it’s based on Witcher 1, I still had some problems seeing much resemblance – The armor/clothing doesn’t appear to be based on any artwork or outfit from the game. The face ended up being okay however. Overall I didn’t enjoy painting this one that much, so I did rush some of the parts a bit. But in the end I’m still satisfied with the final result.

The Pictures!

I’ve included four pictures below. For some reason I didn’t capture any pictures from behind, they’ll have to wait for another time. Or perhaps his back will be for my eyes only ;-)

Witcher: Triss Merigold Bust

I finally finished painting the bust of Triss Merigold from the Witcher universe. To those interested, you can pick up the bust from Klukva Miniatures, located in Russia, I can only recommend their service. The shipping was actually very fast too, only took 4 days for the package to arrive in Denmark.

I’ve included three pictures, I hope you enjoy them. Go team Merigold!

Painted Triss Merigold Bust

The Geralt bust is almost done – So I’ll be putting up some pictures of him soon :-)

Freebooter: Alicija Degollara

I recently painted up Alicija Degollara (Imperial Armada) from Freebooter’s Fate. I love Werner Klocke’s work and it was as always a joy to paint yet another Freebooter miniature.

The miniature serves as a bounty hunter for my WFRP RPG campaign.

Alicija Degollara

I used artwork from The Witcher 2 as inspiration for this miniature – Ves from the Blue Stripes as seen below.
I’m currently painting a “Vernon Roche” inspired miniature as well – You can’t have Ves without Roche nor the other way around ;-)

Witcher 2 - Ves Artwork

Triss & Geralt Busts – Unpainted

My two Witcher busts of Triss & Geralt finally arrived! I can’t wait to start painting these two. The busts are quite detailed and has very few flaws, it’s clear to see that a lot of work has been put into making the characters look as true to The Witcher 3 models as possible.

The only downside is that the eye details are sort of sculpted, so I had to file, cut and greenstuff them plain in order to have more freedom to paint the eyes.

Triss & Geralt Busts - Unpainted

I’ll start with Triss first and will of course put up pictures as soon as I’m done – And perhaps some WIP ones too.

To anyone interested in the busts, I picked them up here: Klukva Miniatures – I received very good service and fast response to my mails – Plus the busts were shipped very fast and received 7 days after being shipped from Russia, so I can only recommend buying these if you’re a fan of The Witcher game series :-)

Mordheim: Reikland Captain

Reikland Captain in Nilfgard Armor?!

Adding another painted Mordheim miniature to my collection, this time one of the Reikland Captains. He’s not exactly wearing Reikland colors as I went for a different theme for this one.

Mordheim: Reikland Captain

When I was about to paint the Reikland Captain I quickly realized that his armor was very similar to the armor of Nilfgard Knights as depicted in the Witcher computer game series – And since I’m a huge fan of these games I decided to paint him in a Nilfgardian theme. The picture below shows a Nilfgard soldier from the Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings game.

Nilfgard Knight from Witcher

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