New Dunkeldorf Kickstarter incoming early November!
Max the Florist selling his wares in the Streets of Dunkeldorf
Just a quick update on the new upcoming Kickstarter: The Streets of Dunkeldorf! This will be a smaller kickstarter involving different characters you meet in the streets! First one I painted was Max the Florist and all his fancy flowers! They are actually just from the 2 original flower sets we sell, but I heavily converted them by cutting off the tops of the flower vases and gluing them unto various terrain elements. The flower tufts and laserplants are from Gamer’s Grass! You can find the flowers, barrels and furniture here:
The Street Lantern will be part of a set of different lamps and sign posts available in the kickstarter!
Here’s a couple of pictures of the miniatures I painted before and during the kickstarter!
Traud the old Bloodhound tracking foul mutants out of Gruselwald!
The Kingpin (Sven) and his gang aren’t the only ones invading this kickstarter! We also have the Witch Hunters who is looking for certain mutants in the sewers!
Johannes Koch, the Witch Hunter with Traud. I know he will fit perfectly with our WFRP campaign!
Thank you to all the backers who have backed our 3rd kickstarter!
So it’s been a while… Well, actually it has been 2 years since my last post! Lots have happened since then and I’ve ended up neglecting my blog a little. I’m mostly on Instagram now, where there are loads of pictures! Check it out:
The focus on this kickstarter is our favourite RPG villain from our own WFRP campaigns, Sven the Brewer!
The campaign focuses on the brewer Sven and his gang of thugs, the group of Mutants hiding in the sewers of Dunkeldorf and the Witch Hunters and their Hired Swords who are en route to Dunkeldorf to rid the town of the mutant scourge.
The dwarf siblings: Marik and Barik ready to kick some hinds!Agnes about to teach Old Tully a lesson not to beg for Sven’s Bitter!
A couple of shots of the thugs from this campaign!
In order to try and be a bit more active, I’ll put up more pictures than words, since I have so much to show you. Imagine how many things I’ve painted the past 2 years!! I don’t think I even managed to show anything from our 2nd Kickstarter, which will need a post of its own! But here is a little tavern mood picture that we use in our own RPG campaigns (Both D&D and Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay)
The Prancing Peacock Tavern. Filled with sitting and standing townsfolk NPC’s!Bertha and Bull from our 1st Kickstarter and Sabine (and Franz if you look carefully) from our 2nd Kickstarter!
Okay, that was it for now! Go check out the kickstarter if you want! And if you read this after it is over, Pledge Manager for late pledges is right around the corner :)
As you probably suspect, much of my time has been spent on me and my husband’s Dunkeldorf Miniatures project and less on blogging. But today is the day we launch our Kickstarter! It has already exceeded any expectations we had for today.
We knew there were a lot of interest, but we didn’t think we would be funded this early!
The goal was to be funded on the first day, and after only 31 minutes, we reached that goal!! Fortunately we prepared a lot of stretch goals involving free miniatures and accessories, so I don’t think people will be disappointed!
Littleton Proudcock in his tavern “The Prancing Peacock”
As this is the first day in the 30 day Kickstarter Campaign, much can happen during the campaign, and we continue to be humble, as we don’t want to expect too much. We really hope people will be kind enough to share the news about the Kickstarter to friends and family that are interested in such nerdy things as this! And to be a part of this unique experience!
Bertha the Ratcatcher searching the sewers of Dunkeldorf after her cat Bull
A lot of work has been put into the pre-release of the Kickstarter!
Here is a little bit about the “crew” behind the project!
I (Nana) painted all the miniatures, terrain, accessories and scenery on the pictures! I also assist Nicki whenever I can and I have taken over a lot of the work involving King Games, so Nicki can focus 100% on the Kickstarter these first few days of the Kickstarter!
Nicki (my husband) is the brains of this operation and is in charge of all background stories, graphics, Kickstarter page, social media, communicating back and forth with our artist, sculptor, casters and also manage all the advertising involved. And probably a million other things I forgot to mention! So basically, he has his hands full at the moment!
Mustafa is in charge of all the artwork that is being done for the campaign, which involves a whole lot of drawings, sketches and final artwork. He really outdid himself with all these amazing pieces of art! And we’re so grateful that he has been able to put all of our ideas and visions into art!
Sonny is in charge of every piece of sculpted miniature and accessories in the campaign. And like Mustafa, he really outdid himself too! He pushed the boundaries of his abilities and conjured up some beautiful miniatures! Perfect combination of the visions we had and the artwork provided! We are really lucky to have found such talent!
We had a lot of fun taking photo shoots of the miniatures in different situations and we will be doing more of that during the campaign and when we launch the miniatures on King Games (sometime in July or August, unless, God forbid, we get delays)
Erika Schmidt the Blacksmith daydreaming about her days as a Zweihander in the Imperial army (before her leg injury)
As I am writing this (3 hours in) we are 250% funded, so we are over the moon (yes, I just did that) with joy! The “Early Bird” pledge was gone in no time, so we might have put the backer limit a bit low. But we might make it up to people who missed it, somehow :)
Old Tully, the beggar and once famous entertainer, begging in the streets of Dunkeldorf
I will be updating my blog during the campaign, to show the progress and maybe some sneak peeks of the greens :)
Until then! Thank you to everyone who has supported us so far! This is a dream come true for us!
Herman Geishalz plotting in his manor! What sinister plan is he brewing up next?
Finally back in business after a nice long holiday and a huge workflow!
And our new webpage dedicated to Dunkeldorf is up at: We are very proud of our project and hope you all like it too!
But now it’s time for the second painted miniature: Bertha the Ratcatcher! I have already shown the greenstuff version of her, and now she is all painted up. She is a gaunt and not very feminine character and one of my favourites! I present to you: Bertha!
At the moment, she is on her way to the caster and hopefully we’ll see some metal versions of her! I can’t even begin to describe the feeling when you finally produce something of your own, after having only sold other companies’ miniatures for so long!! As I’m not the most talented miniature painter, I hope to someday see Bertha and the other miniatures painted up by a professional!
As the title says! Our first miniature in our Dunkeldorf Miniature line is finally painted and ready to show! I knew from the beginning that he would be so satisfying to paint and I proved myself right! I’m already thinking about what colours to paint him next time!
This is actually just a prototype as our Sculptor Sonny isn’t done making modifications, but any modification is just going to improve this already awesome miniature!
I wanted to paint him in warm skin colours, so I went with Tanned and Rosy skintones with purple shades. And of course purple clothes to show off his wealth! He is certainly plotting something sinister!
The miniature is painted with Reaper paints and I mainly used the following paints:
Phew, been a while since my last post. Out project and upcoming kickstarter Dunkeldorf Miniatures is really coming along well. All of the starting miniatures have been designed, so now we just need the finished artwork and of course the sculpts!
I am really excited to show off the artwork and greens of the following miniatures! All in 28mm scale:
First off: My favourite citizen of Dunkeldorf: Bertha the Ratcatcher!
We asked for a gaunt female ratcatcher who wasn’t too feminine and we got exactly that! Both Mustafa and Sonny did an awesome job drawing and sculpting her! Every miniature in our line has their own background story written by my husband and I. We really had fun creating these citizens and hope everyone likes them too!
Second Miniature of the day: Herman Geizhals – Rich noble with a dark secret!
I already showed you the artwork of Herman a little while ago, and here he is in all his glory!
I have the greens on my paintstation and boy, they are so detailed! Pictures don’t even give them justice! We are so excited to do this project and can’t wait to show you what else we have in store!
Next time we have a beggar who was once one of the greatest flute players in the world! What happened to him is a mystery, but he is a strong contender to beat Bertha as my favourite miniature!
Or rather on the blog! But who doesn’t love 90’s music, ahemm! ;)
I’m putting some things up for sale at at my pre-painted section. Some of the items are things I painted a while ago (this section has been upcoming for quite some time), and some of them was painted very recently. Here is an example of the newest ones :)
First off is Corim the Kestrel – Gnome Sorcerer from Reaper miniatures. I painted him very simular to Derek Schubert’s version as I thought the colours were really nice and it’s something I haven’t combined in a while! I used some pearlescent paint for the “magic” and I used a little bit of the blue from the magic parts in his hair to simulate the light it shines on him :)
Main colours used are: Ocean triad from reaper (Deep Ocean, Marine Teal, Surf Aqua) on his magic twirls, eyes, sword and belt. And Violet Red with Brilliant Red highlights for the Robe and shoe decals. I used tiny dots and small strokes of Emerald Alchemy on the Sword and on the glowy magic twirl thing :-P
Next off is Juliette, Female Wizard. I’ve had this miniature for years and only finished it a week ago for the pre-painted section. I decided to go for the colours I liked instead of what would look “best” as colour choice is a struggle for most painters.
Main colour for the dress is my favourite paint: Burgundy Wine mixed and highlighted with Pale Violet Red. I did some freehand on the dress, though it’s a little hard to see on the photos. A very cute and fun miniature :)
Last but not least! Vaeloth, Hellborn Paladin (Tiefling) from Reaper aswell. Tried out some Non-metallic parts on this one with a few shiny bits, since it’s for pre-painted, and it has to look good in the hand aswell :) Also, if you want to paint Non-metallics, but lack the paints, Reaper’s Sepia Wash completely removed the shiny stuff from metallic paints. I used that for all the shadows on the shield and I think it came out pretty neat! Besides, metal “don’t shine” where the sun don’t shine ;)
The tiefling Skin is Red-Brown Triad from reaper: Mahogany Brown, Chestnut Brown and Rust Brown.
One thing we have always used in our RPG’s but never had terrain for is a notice board! It is a very useful prop whether you are in a big city or a small village, ’cause you can always find a missing person note, an advertisement, a wanted poster or a help wanted notice! We couldn’t find any such thing anywhere, so we made one ourselves!
Using balsa and a bunch of accessories it ended up looking pretty cool! We printed out some of the posters we initially made for an advertising pillar (which I will add to the blog at some point!) Ulli and Marquand is loose in our Middeheim campaign so they were an obvious choice for a wanted poster along with other posters (handouts printed in mini-size) a notorious witcher + Scoia’tael leader, advertisement for an awesome shop called King Games, and a real cool handout from WFRP 1st edition (think it was a fan-made version. Thanks to whoever made it!)
As a fan of Mordheim I was eager to find out what the “big deal” with Frostgrave was. More than a few customers have mentioned it during the last few months and we finally got the whole shabang this week.
Very exciting miniatures and I’ve already opened up a box of Frostgrave Soldiers, which is very simular to Games Workshop’s now recent discontinued Empire Free Company (only a bit warmer dressed). It was only a matter of time since their great success with Age of Sigmarines (sarcasm may apply), killed all the previous and beloved lore and all the heroes within :*-(
Luckely I managed to reserve my copies of Bretonnia and Empire sets a while ago, along with metal versions on Ebay. Hardly anyone will miss their Finecast miniatures anyway! ;-)
Back to Frostgrave!
The rulebook is really cool with tons of amazing artwork which I always find intriguing! And I like the idea of a sorcerer as leader with apprentice and hired soldiers. I do play Possessed after all, so I might take a look at those cool cultist miniatures!
My husband made this cool banner for our shop King Games where you can buy everything from the Frostgrave line! You can find the category here