Finally back in business after a nice long holiday and a huge workflow!
And our new webpage dedicated to Dunkeldorf is up at: We are very proud of our project and hope you all like it too!
But now it’s time for the second painted miniature: Bertha the Ratcatcher! I have already shown the greenstuff version of her, and now she is all painted up. She is a gaunt and not very feminine character and one of my favourites! I present to you: Bertha!

At the moment, she is on her way to the caster and hopefully we’ll see some metal versions of her! I can’t even begin to describe the feeling when you finally produce something of your own, after having only sold other companies’ miniatures for so long!!
As I’m not the most talented miniature painter, I hope to someday see Bertha and the other miniatures painted up by a professional!