Behold! The Green Dragon!

A little while ago, I posted some pictured of my Red Dragon from Reaper (a big metal dragon) and I had to write a post about my green drake aswell!

This one is smaller and a lot more handy than the red one. It’s the Reaper Bones Temple Dragon! Even though the quality of Bones casts have improved greatly the last few years, they still have the habit of “crawling back from whence they came” even if using hot water! So this one had its tail underneath the base after assembling it. So I built a base using the Black Milliput, and I am seriously in love with this product! I usually use the yellow/grey version, but by God, the black stuff is good! Very smooth and so easy to work with!

However.. I suck at making bases, no matter the material, so I had my husband do the base vegetation and add a lot of plant growth on it, to make it shine! And I think it works! It is a forest dragon after all!

Dragon - Green

She (of course it’s a she!) is mounted on a 50mm round lipped base, so she is rather small compared to my Red Dragon (silver dragon from reaper), but really cool and fun to paint! I added tons of small dots to her wings and tail! Only negative thing about the sculpt is the tongue! Is it too large for her mouth or is she shaking her head and the mini is sculpted mid-twirl? Either way, she looks fearful and ready to eat any adventurer’s entering her part of the forest!

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