This is the cottage from Tabletop World. Another of those newer buildings which require almost no assembly (which is a big plus for me as the old ones were a b#*@% to assemble)
This time I tried out a more cozy orange colour for the windows instead of the traditionally blue, which also looks really cool but a bit trivial. I was afraid that it would look like the house was on fire, but I think it turned out perfect! Added to the picture is the dead tree from their catalog and one of my many warepiles :)
I was actually inspired by a very old version of the Memory game from Ravensburger I had when I was a kid. One of the tokens were of a timbered house with orange windows and a black roof. Really spooky and I absolutely loved it! I am currently painting their “Townhouse III” in those colours and it will most likely stand out, but i’ve really enjoyed painting it so far!
comment obtenir les plans de cette jolie maison