Welcome to Dunkeldorf! Our New Miniature Line!


For many years my husband and I have had a dream of starting our own miniature line! And now we have finally taken the first steps towards that dream!

We are so excited and can’t wait to show everyone our miniature line!

The theme is townsfolk and the setting is Dunkeldorf, a fictional town (of course) which will be the centerpoint in the story we are going to tell. This project is not just miniatures, but also an RPG setting where we will be telling a story about the town and each character. We hope people will find inspiration in the miniatures and their background and maybe add them to their own roleplaying game!

Many of them are based on characters from our own RPG’s, and some of them has had recurring roles through the years!

The first one I will show off is Herman Geizhals, Burgomeister of Dunkeldorf! The first character we created!


The artwork is created by the very talented Mustafa Bekir of Spevna Studio from Japan! He is creating all the art for the Kickstarter campaign, including the logo! Soon we will have pictures of the sculpt, which is now completed and looks absolutely beautiful! Can’t wait to show off the rest of the minis, but it will have to wait a little longer! :-D