Medieval House Fronts – Fenryll Miniatures

We are almost packed and ready to move into our new house! We still have to wait 12 days, though. It’s going to feel like a looong time!

In the meantime, I thought I’d catch up with a post about 3 Fenryll Facades I painted some time ago. Since our gaming table isn’t very big (until we move!) Facades (or house fronts) are great for an easy set-up without filling the table with buildings. I made one of them a Jeweler’s Shop for our WFRP campaign! Used a lot of old bits and pieces to customize all the facades. Including some real jewellery for the sign and bits from the old Manor House Set from Games Workshop.

Fenryll House Front

The House Fronts were painted using Scale75 gold and metallic paints (from this Paint Set), Reaper paints and Citadel Paints (for the stonework) Also used a couple of posters for the shop sign and wall on the staircase version. I chose not to use the street diorama parts that came with the set as I deemed them too big, so I used some sidewalks from the Canadian company Kobblestone.

Next project is converting them to 1 large street piece, by converting the roofs or adding a background in between. Will look really great for showcasing miniatures!
Oh, and by the way! These looked really cool next to our Christmas Dioramas with a few “seasonalized” miniatures (dwarves with white beards and such) All three houses are available here: House Front # 1, House Front # 2, House Front # 3.