Zombicide: Black Plague Survivors – Special Guest Box: Naïade

Next Zombicide box I have finished painting on the line is from the Special Guest Box with miniatures based on artwork by Naïade.

Guest Box Naïade

Here we have (from left to right) Thundergut, Ostokar, Merieil and Milo.

I spent a lot of time painting Ostokar since he is also a necromancer with spawn cards, so in this pack you actually get a free necromancer with special abilities, which is a huge plus since our necromancer cabal consists of up to 6 necromancers (1 from the core game and the 4 we got from Kickstarter exclusives and now this one). Ostokar however, didn’t quite end up as I wanted. His eyes are a bit alienlike and doesn’t match the artwork as much as I wanted. Rest of the miniature looks great, though :-) and he is one of my favourite survivors. The Zombielink is a fun and unpredictable ability!

Here is the box in its original package:

Special Guest Box - Naiade

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