Blood elf… I mean High Elf Hero with Sword and Shield

Like many others, painting white colours aren’t my favourite thing, and High Elves tend to wear extensively white and light blue colours. The colours of this one is actually an idea I “borrowed” from one of my friends who built a High Elf army, but decided to make the theme in Blood Elf (Warcraft lore) colours instead of the usual white ones. He never got to the point of painting anything, so I totally stole his idea!

Went for the classic Kael’thas theme with vibrant red and shiny green baubles! He’s ready to show us TREW PAWAH! (Nerd alert)

It’s hard to see on the pictures, but the shield actually ended up pretty cool, starting at dark red at the top and ending with bright orangy red at the bottom!
For some reason, the miniature has “kissy” lips (whatever you call it!), so I had to really tone them down. Somehow he doesn’t seem too tough if he looks like he is about to kiss every passer-by. :-P

The Doctor is in!!

Decided to dust off Doctor Festus and his loyal champion that my husband very creatively named “Fat Little Nurgle Champion”.

As a collector (of far too many miniature lines) I, of course, collect old Chaos Champions. More specifically Realm of Chaos Miniatures. Not sure which line this guy is (other than Citadel), but he deserves a shared post with “Herr Doktor”. Even though Festus is made in Games Workshop’s Finecast, assembling him was rather painless and the paint really stuck this time. Guess I got lucky :-D
Really love how the Champion fixed his missing leg with an extended arm! Also painted the guy in very rusty colours.

Festus is currently part of my WFRP campaign in Nuln, where he puppeteers the Nurgle followers. Recently, a group of heroes thwarted his grand plan, and he is now keeping a low profile while counting his losses.

Travelling Empire Merchant

A little month ago I made a post about a Forge World miniature that I had converted into a travelling merchant a character that fits right into the Warhammer universe – He’s carrying a bunch of junk he’s hoping to sell. You can see the WIP post here: WIP: Travelling Empire Merchant

I finished painting the miniature recently and I’m very happy with the result. I’m sure he’ll often be taken out to stroll the streets in our WFRP sessions.
With all the extra details added to the miniature he did end up taking quite some time to finish – but for a unique model I don’t mind it at all :-)

The Pictures

I’ve included 6 pictures to showcase all the various junk the poor guy is carrying around on his back.

WIP: Travelling Empire Merchant

I decided to convert a Forge World miniature (Manann’s Blade musician) to a Travelling Empire Merchant – I spent a while adding LOTS of parts, you can’t actually see it that well in the pictures how much I added, but it’s a lot! He’ll be used in the WFRP campaign, so expect to see him painted soon :-)

EDIT: The Finished merchant can be seen here

Empire Captain with Scar

Another Warhammer Empire Captain! He’s sure to be given a role in an upcoming WFRP session in Middenheim, as I painted him with a blue color scheme, fitting for Middenheim/Middenland.
The comet symbol throws it a bit off, since he would probably be an Ulric worshipper, but it’s still a minor detail ;-)

Warhammer: Captain with Gory Sword

An Empire Captain with Gory Sword ready for my Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay session! Painted this guy very arrogant looking. He has just decapitated a giant orc without smudging his fine clothes, so of course he uses a cloth to wipe off the orc leftovers from his greatsword!

Empire Captain with Gory Sword

This time I used a very pale skin tone combined with grey eye shadow  to give him a “see if I care!” kinda look. I think it worked out great and he is now ready for an upcoming role as an obnoxious Averlander mercenary in our Middenheim campaign :-)

Skaven: Plague Priest

Another Skaven for the collection – This time a Clan Pestilence character, the Plague Priest. The model is actually pretty large and I ended up putting it on a 32mm base from Tabletop-Art. Good thing I didn’t have to use him on a 20mm square base for a Skaven army back in the good old Warhammer Fantasy days – Must have been a joy fitting him into a regiment.


Chaos Shrine & Altar

I recently made a pretty cool conversion piece to use as a Chaos Shrine in Warhammer. It started out with two columns from Fenryll, the gargoyles and skull wall from Games Workshop, the top piece from a chaos chariot (I think), some styrofoam for the bottom, a chaos symbol in the bottom and a bunch of candles on top.

I quickly painted it afterwards and decided that the piece also needed an altar – So I used a Fenryll altar and added candles from Tabletop-Art, a book from Ristul’s and some more chaos symbols.

Click the read more below the picture to see a few more pictures :-)

Chaos Shrine & Altar

Click here to read more…