More Pictures of the Merchant House

The last pictures, this time around, of the massive Merchant House from Tabletop-World.

The attic is filled with goods and delicious treats!

The attic was very fun to do, and all the warepiles really add to the atmosphere of the house! My favourite part of painting the warepiles, was painting the fruit and lettuce in particular! It took ages though, but hopefully we will have use of these for other things in our RPG sessions.
The warepiles are from Tabletop World, Tabletop-Art, Fenryll and Ristul’s creations – now sold and cast by Annie from Bad Squiddo!

The office of the rich merchant.

This is the office of the rich merchant! I used some of my favourite furniture I painted recently, including the cozy chair from the Mantic Terrain Crate – Wizard Study, the desk and large cupboard from Zealot Miniatures, chest from HQ-resin, and two small cupboards from Tabletop-World. The one with the shield is an old one and came exclusively from their old discontinued Blacksmith. The candelabra is from Thomarillion, and I really like this one, because it can stand reasonably well on its own!

I have so many exciting things to show, and hopefully I will have more time soon to show off more of my recent projects! Including my Dungeons and Dragons miniature (I am making a monster menagerie!!)

I have a ton of pictures on my Instagram profile! So check it out and follow my page for more goodies! :)

More Pictures of the Merchant House

I thought it would be fun to create a children’s room in the Merchant House, so I found a bunch of bits I have had lying around since beginning of time (or the hobby, hehe) This is the 3rd floor of the house

I used a few helmets from the old Bretonnia Knights including a dragon’s head and a unicorn, which I HAD to paint as a rainbow unicorn!

The merchant’s daughter walking around in her own room at her father’s shop.

The companies used were Malifaux (old metal orphanage basing kit, which is AWESOME!) Retro Kids room accessories from HQresin, Fenryll, Tabletop-world, Games Workshop, Zealot Miniatures and Thomarillion.

Top view of the spoiled daughter’s room

I painted all the toys a little bit creepy aswell, since I need them for Blinsky’s Toy shop from our Curse of Strahd campaign (Dungeons and dragons) I also painted Blinsky with his pet monkey Piccolo :)

The room next to the daughter’s room is a storage room with another balcony to watch over the city!

Storage room leading up to the attic filled with wares and vegetables
Top view of the two rooms on the 3rd floor

Next up is pictures of the attic and the office on the 2nd floor!

Amazingly Detailed Terrain from Zealot Miniatures – Part One

Just as we thought our dog’s puppy stage was over, she decided to “adopt” a stray kitten. So we have had a lot of work to do at the moment!
We initially didn’t want a cat (Brunnhilde our dog is a lot of work herself) but she would constantly bark in our yard calling for the kitten. It got to the point where she couldn’t eat or sleep unless that darn cat was with her, so we decided to keep the cat (now known as Bertha) And they rarely leave each other’s side. They are so sweet together :-)

We live by the beach close to vacation homes, so often people “adopt” stray cats, only to leave them when summer is over. So she was a little scrawny thing just a week ago. We investigated the area and made 100% sure no one owned her (she was in a pretty sorry condition) And today we are going to the vet to check her out and to make arrangements for sterilization and earmarking.

Up next: Zealot Miniatures Furniture!

However, I still find time to paint! And I just finished painting half of the items I recently bought from Zealot Miniatures! They are 3D designed in very fine resin, and they look amazing on the board! The items vary in size though, for example, the food supplies and cutlery are more suited for ogres and orcs while the grandfather clock is probably more suited for gnomes and halflings.

First item on the list is the spinning wheel, which is a very delicate piece and I ended up with more glue on my hands than on the mini! But totally worth it in the end. It’s both tiny and cute!

Spinning Wheel

Next on the line is the map table, which is very cool and very unique! It fits perfectly inside a war room! I might have painted the ocean a bit too shiny, but it still looks very nice! It has a diameter of 32mm.

Map Table

The final piece for today (still have quite a few left) is the amazing and beautiful Alchemist’s Bench. I really love this piece. It’s 28mm scale but very delicate (40mm x 20mm) but it looks fabulous on the table! I added extra bits and pieces, though it has tons of details already!

Alchemist's Bench

I’m about to take a lot of pictures today, so expect a couple of posts next week! Oh and here is a little peak of the two lovebirds!
