For some reason I never got around to make a post about the Townhouse from Tabletop World, even though the house has been up on for quite a while. So here is a late post about the awesome small but detailed building :-)
The pigs in the picture are from Lead Adventure and are very cute! One is a female and the other a male (they have detailed lady and gentleman parts!) The house is one of the easy assemble ones. It comes in only two parts with detailed interior. As usual I chose to glue the thing together, since it’s rather hard to furnish properly (proportionally it’s the size of a small shed or outhouse) :-P
It only took me a day to paint this as there were few demanding details (I had already painted Mr and Mrs Pig) so I’m quite proud of the result! This was painted shortly after the Coaching Inn, so I repeated the red roof on this one. I have tried to mix the roof colours so it doesn’t look too messy on the game board, but it isn’t as easy as it looks. Still have too many blue roofs! (Town Gate and Guard Tower each have a blue roof)
Stay tuned for more Tabletop World buildings!
Hi, how do you paint your fantastic Wood beams on the house?! (Ie the exterior wood that you can see supporting the stone blocks.)
Many thanks!