I finished the other half of a large commission and I had a ton of fun painting all the quirky ghosts, heroes and skeletons! There a many conversions amongst the pieces and a few surprises to paint :)

It was a fun commission and it is always nice to paint something converted and unique :)
I’ve wondered for a while why I keep coming back to check your work.
You are a fine painter, even if not the most technically accomplished. So why do I check you work more often than ‘master’-painters like Angel Giraldez or Ben Komets?
I have finally pinpointed it: It is the ‘earthiness’ of your colors which is outstanding -even your blue tones are earthy! It just goes to show that atmosphere is king in painting and you really excel in that departement☺
I’ve been commissioned to paint the new DreadStreets line of miniatures (sculpted by Sonny!) and I’ve tried to emulate some of your ‘earthiness’, but it is actually harder than it looks, so well done and keep up the painting!
Thanks, that means the world to me! In this world of miniatures, painters are often encouraged to achieve perfection while painting in very vibrant and realistic colours! Mine are a little more subtle and it is obvious that I don’t spend 20+ hours on a miniature as many professionals do! But the most important thing is to love what you do, and that means more soul and passion into each miniature.
I mainly paint the things I like and miniatures that I can use for games, but I can see that I still improve through the years, although not as fast as one would, taking painting classes or watching youtube tutorials.
At the moment I am painting the miniatures for me and my husband’s Dunkeldorf miniature line (also sculpted by Sonny :) and now I wish I had the talent of your mentioned painters!
I like what you did with the Dread Street Miniatures, especially the face of the “shooter” mini and the freehand on the bases. And I look forward to seeing the last 2 painted up :)
Thanks again!
Kind regards
Thx for your kind reply Nana!
Though reading my own comment again I can see it implies that you don’t have great painting skills which really wasn’t my intention – your speed/quality ratio is second to none and I would love to see what you could do if you spent a lot of time on a mini. I certainly consider you better than me and I believe you could be up there with the best of them if you wanted to, your color sense is really that good!
Any pointers on how to achieve that elusive ‘earthiness’ would be greatly appreciated :)
Hehe, it’s really okay! I do occasionally spend extra time on minis. The Ciri – Witcher miniature was one of those time consuming projects. Of course I am never satisfied with my own work, she turned out pretty good even for a larger mini with which I have little experience.
But generally I like painting a lot of things. My work desk is full of miniatures that just needs painting!
The best advice I can give is to use Reaper paints and/or Scale75. They are so smooth, matte and has a higher pigmentation than Army Painter or Games Workshop, which I don’t use that often except for vibrant colours. The washes from both GW and AP are amazing though!
I can see what you mean! The “shooter” miniature is definately my favourite and that border on the coat is a nice touch, that people (including myself) often forget to add, to make things interested!
Kind regards
I did a paintjob where I really went for the ‘earthiness’:
… and while I like the result, it didn’t achieve the, well, ‘earthiness’ I see in your work, hehe B-)
Of course! I mainly use GW from days of yore and of course the Army Painter seeing as I got a big box o’ them in order to paint the DreadStreets. They are quite vibrant as you say, so I often desaturate them with complimentary colors but not enough I see -thx for the advice!