Another commission finished!

I finished the other half of a large commission and I had a ton of fun painting all the quirky ghosts, heroes and skeletons! There a many conversions amongst the pieces and a few surprises to paint :)

All the heroes and monsters this time around!
Skeleton hero, Skeleton evil sorcerer with swords and skeleton guards
Ghosts and wraiths! 2 of them Games Workshop, the other 2 is Reaper miniatures
2 heroes. A Sorcerer (kenku) and a female warrior with shield!

It was a fun commission and it is always nice to paint something converted and unique :)

Another Finished Commission

I just completed another commission for a Spanish friend of mine and an excellent miniature converter, who wanted 32 miniatures painted (quite a handful, but great challenge!) The commission consisted mainly of skeletons for his RPG campaign, but also a few other interesting miniatures, including some from Dark Art Studios’ Kickstarter Campaign.

Here’s some of the many skeletons I painted!

I also painted some heroes, including an undead female warrior,a goblin hero and a female dark elf.

And the miniatures from Dark Art Studios.

Here’s an overall picture of all the miniatures I painted!


Even though it was a ton of work, I really enjoyed painting these! I got to experiment with skin tones, freehand, painting fire, vivid clothing and colour choices! And I think they ended up looking pretty awesome :-D