Mordheim: Undead Dregs

Servants of the Undead

I just finished up two more Mordheim miniatures for my collection: The undead dregs. I painted their skin quite pale as I figured they run around with the undead all day, so their appearance is probably affected by that. There’s not a whole lot of extra details on the dregs, so they didn’t take me too long to paint. I’ve highlighted their facial features as much as possible to let their  apathetic expressions shine through.

Undead Dregs

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Mordheim: Reikland Captain

Reikland Captain in Nilfgard Armor?!

Adding another painted Mordheim miniature to my collection, this time one of the Reikland Captains. He’s not exactly wearing Reikland colors as I went for a different theme for this one.

Mordheim: Reikland Captain

When I was about to paint the Reikland Captain I quickly realized that his armor was very similar to the armor of Nilfgard Knights as depicted in the Witcher computer game series – And since I’m a huge fan of these games I decided to paint him in a Nilfgardian theme. The picture below shows a Nilfgard soldier from the Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings game.

Nilfgard Knight from Witcher

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Mordheim: Hunter

Warhammer RPG Bounty Hunter Leader

My second Mordheim miniature is now done – The hunter is the leader of a group of bounty hunters in my WFRP campaign. His base matches the Kislev Ranger’s base as they’re both part of the bounty hunter group – And I figured that wilderness/rural bases would suit both miniatures best.

Overall I’m more happy with the hunter than the ranger, but they still look good together on the table. The Warhammer campaign I’m a part of is centered around Middenheim, the players ran into the bounty hunter group on their way back to the city and learned that they were after two ruthless criminals named Ulli & Marquand who are most likely hiding in Middenheim. So guess what Mordheim miniatures I’m painting next, hehe.

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Mordheim: Kislev Ranger

Warhammer RPG Bounty Hunter NPC

I’ve just finished painting my Mordheim Kislev Ranger miniature. I placed her on a round base as the miniature will mainly be used in a Warhammer RPG-Campaign where she’s part of a bounty hunter group.

The group is led by another bounty hunter that’s actually gonna be represented in the game by the Mordheim Hunter miniature – So I’ll upload a picture of him soon. And maybe a picture of the whole jolly gang of bounty hunters – I believe there’s 4-5 of them.

Mordheim: Kislev Ranger

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