Advertising Pillar!

As I mentioned in my Notice Board post, I also made an advertising pillar using a lot of posters either found online or self-made. The Advertising pillar is from Thomarillion and it has a really good size with loads of space for posters.

donald duck billposterI used Vallejo Satin Varnish on both sides of the paper posters like old time posters! Though a lot more succesful than Donald Duck’s attempt with soup can advertisements!
I simply added layer after layer of small posters, and I’m pretty sure there are shortcuts to this such as full printed sides, but this just gives it such an authentic look!
I actually made two of these as one of them was for my pre-painted section a while ago. It sold the same day :-)

It looks great on our Mordheim table as a terrain piece!

Here is the Pillar shown from one its sides :-)

Advertising Pillar

Most of the posters on this side of the pillar is made up of posters from the internet and our cool Ulli & Marquand Wanted posters. The wanted poster is Geralt of Rivia from the Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings!

I made a link in another post with some of the cool posters I used for my Notice Board Poster. Check it out :-)

Landship Project is Slowly Progressing!

One of my favourite projects (and most time consuming so far) the Marienburg Class Land Battle Ship is slowly coming on, and I recently bought a plinth for it. I actually plan to use it in my WFRP sessions (epic ones indeed!), so I won’t be permanently mounting it. The plinth is LARGE, and I first thought about making a scenery base on top of the plinth, but something tells me it will take a while. Already put more than 50 hours into the ship alone which is far from finished!

Here is the plinth in its “nude” form :-P

Ship Plinth

And here it is with what little of the ship I have completed! The missing parts are almost fully painted but I am missing the shield crests as I haven’t finished the colours yet. Oh, and obviously the mast and 7 crew members whose uniform colours I am breaking my brain over! The ship looks a little small for the plinth, but the sides and front (including figurehead) is yet to be attached :)

Ship WiP

The wheels were excruciating to paint and I really wish I had an airbrush for it! I really wanted the ship a bit toned down, so no shiny metal parts on the wheels. I used black and blue/grey highlights instead. Let’s see how that works out :-)

Stay tuned for more updates! I hope to finish the ship in 2016, but you never know! Atleast I have finished the Tabletop World Gate :-D

Posters for Notice Boards!

I’ve received several mails and comments about the posters I used for the Message/ Notice Board, and I have made a PDF file with all the posters in various shapes and colour shades. Sometimes it just fits better with a pale neutral poster when I put them on buildings and such :)

Download Here – It’s a really BIG file in high resolution. (15 mb) so have patience!

Here is one we used as hand-outs for our RPG sessions. My husband is the GM and made the poster from an old softcover book.
We originally intended to use it for the old collector miniature Ulli & Marquand’s Wanted Poster Sign, but we ended up with another idea. Reminds me that I need to get that up on the blog some time :-P

Here is the Message Board in its full glory as shown on the Original Post

Notice Board

I used a small decal scissors for the cut-outs and something called Alles-kleber (which I assume is normal hobby glue) and very carefully glued the posters on the wooden frame :-)

Gold Wizard of the Lore of Metal

Recently painted this cool Pathfinder Miniature Kyra, Female Iconic Cleric. Instead of her Original colours I chose to paint her as a Wizard of the Gold College. Since we desperately lack female wizards in our WFRP campaign (mainly due to using Games Workshop miniatures which mainly consists of male miniatures, other than Elves)

Gold Wizard

The miniature is perfect as a Gold Wizard with loads of gems and golden features! I even added some gold coins to the base.

I am currently spending far too much time playing Pathfinder Card Game (Rise of the Runelords and Skull & Shackles) and as a result I wanted to paint our heroes as stand-ins for the usual character card. Unfortunately one of them was Kyra, so I had to paint her again only with her original colours!
They are turning out pretty cool, so I will post pictures of the heroes soon :-D

Notice Board!

One thing we have always used in our RPG’s but never had terrain for is a notice board! It is a very useful prop whether you are in a big city or a small village, ’cause you can always find a missing person note, an advertisement, a wanted poster or a help wanted notice! We couldn’t find any such thing anywhere, so we made one ourselves!

Notice Board

Using balsa and a bunch of accessories it ended up looking pretty cool! We printed out some of the posters we initially made for an advertising pillar (which I will add to the blog at some point!) Ulli and Marquand is loose in our Middeheim campaign so they were an obvious choice for a wanted poster along with other posters (handouts printed in mini-size) a notorious witcher + Scoia’tael leader, advertisement for an awesome shop called King Games, and a real cool handout from WFRP 1st edition (think it was a fan-made version. Thanks to whoever made it!)

UPDATE: I recently posted a link to the posters I used and some tips

Travelling Empire Merchant

A little month ago I made a post about a Forge World miniature that I had converted into a travelling merchant a character that fits right into the Warhammer universe – He’s carrying a bunch of junk he’s hoping to sell. You can see the WIP post here: WIP: Travelling Empire Merchant

I finished painting the miniature recently and I’m very happy with the result. I’m sure he’ll often be taken out to stroll the streets in our WFRP sessions.
With all the extra details added to the miniature he did end up taking quite some time to finish – but for a unique model I don’t mind it at all :-)

The Pictures

I’ve included 6 pictures to showcase all the various junk the poor guy is carrying around on his back.

WIP: Travelling Empire Merchant

I decided to convert a Forge World miniature (Manann’s Blade musician) to a Travelling Empire Merchant – I spent a while adding LOTS of parts, you can’t actually see it that well in the pictures how much I added, but it’s a lot! He’ll be used in the WFRP campaign, so expect to see him painted soon :-)

EDIT: The Finished merchant can be seen here

Warhammer: Captain with Gory Sword

An Empire Captain with Gory Sword ready for my Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay session! Painted this guy very arrogant looking. He has just decapitated a giant orc without smudging his fine clothes, so of course he uses a cloth to wipe off the orc leftovers from his greatsword!

Empire Captain with Gory Sword

This time I used a very pale skin tone combined with grey eye shadow  to give him a “see if I care!” kinda look. I think it worked out great and he is now ready for an upcoming role as an obnoxious Averlander mercenary in our Middenheim campaign :-)

Freebooter: Alicija Degollara

I recently painted up Alicija Degollara (Imperial Armada) from Freebooter’s Fate. I love Werner Klocke’s work and it was as always a joy to paint yet another Freebooter miniature.

The miniature serves as a bounty hunter for my WFRP RPG campaign.

Alicija Degollara

I used artwork from The Witcher 2 as inspiration for this miniature – Ves from the Blue Stripes as seen below.
I’m currently painting a “Vernon Roche” inspired miniature as well – You can’t have Ves without Roche nor the other way around ;-)

Witcher 2 - Ves Artwork