Warrior Priests of Sigmar!

I simultaneously painted these two Warrior Priests using the exact same colours and techniques, which was really fun. They both work at the local Temple of Sigmar :)

The female Warrior Priest is the resin master of Mother Morrigan from Hasslefree Miniatures. The sculpt is an older model, as they later made a second version of the mini with scars and a pouch since Kev White weren’t 100% satisfied with the original version. I still think it’s cool, though. Mine didn’t come with several weapon choices, but I would have picked the 2-hander nonetheless :)

The male Warrior Priest is an old metal Games Workshop miniature. I gave him some stubbles and again, the same colours as the female model. I freehanded the texture on the cloth as a wool, but it’s really hard to see on the photos.

The colours I used were: Metal armor is Black Metal drybrushed and then highlighted over Black surface primer (both from Scale75) and finally highlighted with Heavy Metal. The leather parts are Muddy Soil with Basic Dirt highlights, and finally, the cloth is Burgundy Wine with Pale Violet subtle highlights.

Mordheim Zombies!

Finally finished painting all the Mordheim Zombies!

I was lucky enough to find an original set a few years ago, but I only painted a couple of them, before I put the rest in the box of shame (unpainted, based and primed minis) We even made custom bases for them, but for some reason I didn’t finish the miniatures.
Most of the zombies have living counterparts except a few of them (a dwarf and a Reiklander i presume) I finished the last 3 in an evening, so not exactly a super detail job! But they ended up quite good, and I used some of the blood techniques from the Zombicide minis.

Mordheim Zombies

My husband chose the Autumn theme for the bases and painted + based them with tufts and leaves, while I painted the miniatures.

Mordheim Zombies

From left to right: Witch Hunter Captain, Reiklander, Sister of Sigmar and Marienburger!

Mordheim Zombies

And the last batch! From left to right: Witch Hunter Hound, Elf Ranger (Hired swords) and Dwarf Treasure Hunter. The Dwarf is particular nasty due to his eyeball dangling from his empty eye socket!

I chose to paint them as “recently deceased” instead of a classic greenish colour, as I believe it makes them a whole lot creepier!

My first painted Bones miniatures!

Even though I have backed the last 2 Bones Kickstarters, I haven’t actually painted the miniatures, only some terrain. I have given most of the miniatures as extra gifts to customers in our shop :)

The Kickstarter for Bones 3 was a bit of a mixed sensation. I didn’t receive my order before their next Bones 4 kickstarter was done. So it was really delayed and I wondered how they started another Kickstarter when a lot of their backers (European mostly) had not even received their previous Kickstarter orders. A shame really, because the quality is 200% better than their previous kickstarters. Much better casts with less mould-lines to take care of, and a lot more unique figures. But by the time I opened my box, it was too late to back the next :-/

So while I wait the 2+ years for the next batch to come out in the Reaper store, I’ll paint some of the stuff I have now :)

First off: The Halfling Chef!

He is a really tiny fellow, so there were even space for a few grocery items on the base. His nose turned out a little weird on the pictures, but you really don’t notice it when holding him. Especially not on the table! The colours are based on this picture from the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 3rd Edition Halfling Chef Career card:


Next up: The Dwarf Brewer and the Dwarf Butcher!


I cut off their bases and painted them without, so they can be used for street scenes and city dioramas :)

Arrogant Demi-gryph rider!

Back from vacation!

I just noticed that I haven’t made a post in almost two months! Time really flies! Well, I haven’t been on vacation that long, but had several commissions and a busy schedule!

About a year ago, I converted an arrogant looking captain (a mix of demi-gryph knights and the Karl Franz/general on Griffon) with a lot of emblems and seals. He ended up taking space for quite a long time, before I recently decided to give him a paint job. I figured he needed like a white stallion and in this case a white demigryph!

Demigryph Knight

Here’s a picture I took a year ago of the work in progress (yeah, my painting sorroundings weren’t superior back then) with some mounted charactes and a Bretonnian horse just casually thrown around in the background!


But I love the pose I gave him. I can totally imagine peasants and children running over to watch the spectacular knight, and he just gives them a snobbish look!

New House and lots of Projects!

Phew, we can now call ourselves House Owners!

Moving into a house wasn’t as fast and easy as we thought! We had to move both our business and our apartment into an old house with lots of plumbing and electricity problems, that made it even harder for us to get our shop up and running again! And on top of all, both my husband and I were hit by a stomach flu for an entire week! So we had to have my parents come up and help ship orders…

And despite a failing heat source (it’s freezing), we are holding up and only missing tables for our work and paint stations! So in a few days I will be able to paint again! And Spring is just around the corner, so hopefully my paints will thaw! :-P

Creepy Basilisk!

I still have a few pictures left from before we moved out, so here is my version of the ForgeWorld Basilisk! I’ve changed my mind so many times with colours on this one, but I decided to go straight for the Monstrous Arcanum description/artwork.

I’m not deeply satisfied with the result, but he looks really cute none the less. Here is the Artwork I based him on:


I might add some more details on this guy at some point, but for now he sits in our vitrine all pretty :)

Citizens of our RPG’s and an Evil Sorcerer

Only 6 days before we move into our new house! And I honestly don’t think I can wait much longer!

Our tiny apartment is already completely cramped with boxes and I stopped counting my various bruises from bumping into furniture and doorframes trying to get around… And we still have all of our inventory from our shop we need to move aswell!

But I promised myself that I wouldn’t neglect my blog!! So here is a little post with some of my odds and ends that I snapped pictures of before they were gently placed in moving boxes! (In foam of course!)

Here is a group of Press Gangers from Privateer Press. They were some of our very first miniatures for rpg’s, and I recently stripped them of paint (from a rather shabby paint job) and gave them a new coat of paint and new bases.

I painted the female press ganger before the men and had already photographed her, hence the different backgrounds. The female is a very unique and humorous character with a luring expression and a firmly gripped mace hiding in her back hand! I painted her in Marienburg colours using Breonne Blue with the Ocean Triad for the blue parts and Rust Brown highlighted with 50/50 Rust Brown and Sun Yellow.

I repeated the combination on one of the male press gangers. I even had my first try on facial “stubble”. It ended up okay, I think. Definitely need more practise! I still haven’t finished the last one of the group, a guy with a sack which suspiciously look like it contains a man trying to break loose!

Black Chapel Steamheim Veteran

I stumbled upon a Spanish company named Black Chapel which produces a variety of miniature that fit perfectly with Reaper and Games Workshop’s minis. I bought different models from them including their Altreich Engineer, Alchemist, Guard of the Ancestors Chamber (dwarf champion), dwarf Blacksmith, and this Steamheim Veteran. I can greatly recommend these minis. Lots of character and very unique minis!

It was a rather “speedpaint” job, but none the less, he turned out pretty cool. I assembled him in a “pointy finger pose”, rather than pistol wielding (he comes with two arm options and two head options)
Since I bought this bunch, they have released several new minis including some very interesting Wood Elves, which I will definately pick up at some point!

Oldschool Tzeentch Sorcerer

Last but not least a good old Chaos Sorcerer! I decided to go nuts with blues, pinks, purples, greens, and my favourite colour: turquoise! (which proved difficult to spell in English!)

Tzeentch Sorcerer

It shows through that I spent most time on the facial features than on the rest, but it actually just started out as a fun test and practice with colours! I have recently shown progress with gold and non metallic gold techniques, but not on this one :-P I even painted a tuft on the base in different purples and blues and added some nail-glitter-thingies shaped as beach shells and starfish on the base and painted them in the same theme.
Pretty psychedelic and matches my passion for Led Zeppelin :-D

I used one of my old Games Workshop Screamers from my Warhammer Daemons Army as a reference.


Classic Dryads to serve the Dryad Queen

As I wrote in the previous post, I made a trio of dryads (old metal versions before the plastic sets came out) My husband and I laughed at the idea, as the miniatures look a little ridiculous. However, I used all my skills to make them look authentic for our Nordland campaign and to match Drycha!

Dryad Trio

Again, I used various brown colours from Reaper and finished off with very light browns (I never use pure whites, as they easily comes out as chalky and way too bright) Reaper’s Khaki Highlights and Scale75’s Thar Brown are the brightest colours I use.

Dryad Trio

I painted the guy on the left first, and somehow thought I used 32mm bases instead of the 25mm he is on (he was hiding in our cupboard) so I put the other two on 32mm’s. (Kromlech’s Windfall bases as usual) Oh well, it looked fine on the game board :-P

Here is the trio next to Drycha (Even though lower dryads don’t really have a gender and usually transform into female beauties when luring soldiers into the woods, I thought that the 3 dryads had to be men luring village women in :-P )

Trio with Drycha

I would love to paint some of the plastic ones as more obvious female versions, but I will have to buy 16 at a time and the pretty neat Branchwych (foolish name aside) costs a staggering £14 for a single plastic mini… So I might wait a while!

Drycha the Queen of the Dryads – Or Nowadays: Branchwraith

As part of our Nordland campaign, we have quite a few Forest beasts and other monsters lurking in the background. One of those “things” is the Dryad Queen Drycha (which I took from my husband’s very old Wood Elf army and stripped of paint) Tried to paint her in a traditional way but with small freehand details and tiny dots to show that she is an “old lady” and has been in the forest for many years!


Used Reaper brown paints, with Ghoul Skin highlights in her hair and bright blue eyes. The sprites are painted using Winter Blue with various highlights.


The base is a 32mm Windfall round base from Kromlech (which I’ve used for many of my forest creatures so far!)

Painted a trio of dryads to go with her, that you can see in their own post :-D

Fenbeast! Proud and Terrifying Companion of The Dark Emissary!

About a month ago, I wrote a post about the Dark Emissary who is the villain of our Nordland campaign. In our campaign he is assisted by wolves and last week we defeated his monstrous and enormous Dire Wolf. Sure wasn’t easy and we ended up pretty beaten, but alive! Poor Viktor (our Bright Wizard) had received strange tokens every time he did something savage, which he happens to do a lot! And during the Dire Wolf fight, each token left him with Disease points, Stress and lots of Wounds. Let’s just say he went home pretty messed up! He will need some time to recover that’s for sure!

Since the original Dark Emissary from the Albion campaigns (old Games Workshop book) is assisted by a fenbeast, we thought it was fitting for him to have one. The GW one is quite small and not as frightful as we wanted him to be, so we bought the Mórannach, Beast of Cill Chonn Bog from Mierce Miniatures (they have a thing with weird names).

Here is the Fenbeast in its glory – attached to a scratchbuilt 75mm base.


Here is another shot of the Fenbeast alongside his commander The Dark Emissary as shown on the artwork!


We can only hope that we won’t encounter this beast, but somehow I think our GM has already planned another sinister plan masterminded by the emissary!

The Dark Emissary has Returned!

As the headline says! The Dark Emissary has Returned!

I decided it was time to put up this guy from our Nordland Campaign. He is by far the most challenging nemesis we have encountered in our WFRP campaigns over the years and he deserves a spotlight!


In our last session, we discovered that an evil and greedy nobleman (with ties to a cult we’re after) has somehow bribed Dark Elves to summon an evil entity to rid the Forest of Shadows of forest spirits. The plan worked to begin with, but the enitity turned to be none less than the Dark Emissary! And he has slowly taken over the forest and surrounding cities, gaining power from each victim.

As of now he controls an army of Wolves. Really big ones! I painted quite a lot of them for our sessions, not knowing the use of them. Well, I do now and it turns out one of the PC’s have been cursed by him and might turn into something… unpleasant. I will have to see next session!

He’s a really cool and unique miniature with many small details and weird symbols. I looked at some old artwork from The Dark Shadows Campaign (simular to Storm of Chaos and Storm of Magic) and based the miniature on that. Here are a few examples:

Dark Emissary Artwork

Dark Emissary Artwork

No-one knows for sure who the Dark Emissaries are, though they are widely regarded as dangerous, evil sorcerers and the harbingers of imminent doom. Wherever he walks, the Dark Emissary sows seeds of deceit and despair, leaving those who listen to his advice utterly broken. – Games Workshop

I have started on a Fen Beast for him, but the original GW model is not so convincing and rather small. So I ended up buying this from Mierce Miniatures. Brittle details like their other miniatures, but I might cut the sticks and branches shorter so they won’t snap off whenever I use it :)